해동검도 수련을 통한 정신 수련 및 영적 성장
Written By : Martin O'Mally , HK Rep of Irish Haedong Kumd Association
under the teaching of GM Kim, United World Haedong Kumdo Federation
During GM Kim's stay for taking Haedong Kumdo Seminar in Ireland from 10th to 16th Sep, 2010,
he has stressed again in Ireland the things be explained through the feedback of French HK Seminar.
The below things is written down by the great undertanding and efforts of Martin O'Mally, HK Rep of Irish Haedong Kumdo Association.
I would like everybody to understand and read thoroughly.
Any question will be accepted and explained anytime through contact : haedongkum@gmail.com
1. Truth
2. Advantage of martial arts
3. Body & Mind, Spirit
4.One line(string) connection by Wave in the universe
5.What will be required?
6. Responsibility of Leaders of Martial Arts
1. Truth
As we go about our daily lives, we probably consider that some things are inevitable. Perhaps, we even consider that some things are mysterious, beyond our comprehension or that some things are just the reality of our lives. This, we can consider to be Mumyung (無明) or false behaviour and false attitude brought about by Eoeuk (愛慾) or selfishness and self-prioritising.
Should we take the time to make the change of attitude, like the skin of an onion, the apparent inevitabilities and mysteries of our lives will be peeled away revealing only the truth of their falsehood. Through the realisation of this truth, we will find that there are no coincidences and there are no mysteries in our universe.
2. Advantage of martial arts
Most Martial Artists are in a very good position, both mentally and physically to cultivate themselves, far more than perhaps someone who bases their lives solely in non-physical religious practice. The physical training of the Martial Arts helps to fortify the will to do as needs to be done while strengthening the mind to focus on what needs to be achieved. This is the advantage of the Martial Artist.
When we look back through history, we can see so many ruling classes using religion to control the people and strengthen their power, but unfortunately, it is through this selfish act, that the truth of religion has become distorted. Even within the writings of the scriptures, certain interpretations through ignorance of the true meaning, or for political will has caused harm to others in the world as young people were educated by older people who themselves did not possess the true knowledge. Now, many people are suffering the ills resulting from this past abuse.
In Korea, our Martial Arts were called Mueuedongwon (武醫同原) which means ‘Martial Arts And Healing Arts Originated From The Same Source’. As regards the benevolent art of Medicine we believe that the Physician has been a humanitarian calling since ancient times. Our Korean ancestors cultivated and taught methods of developing our mental and physical strength as a means to self realisation and ultimately, enlightenment.
No matter how great someone’s religious beliefs are, many end up with illness later in the lives, and it should be recognised that had they balanced their internal practice with external practice they would have been much healthier throughout their lives.
3. Body & Mind, Spirit
Martial Arts movement is unlimited, created as an expression of the individual person. These infinitesimal things which we call the Martial Arts have been practiced and developed by generation after generation since the universe was first formed so many millennia ago. Through practice, we eventually begin to feel the energy develop in ourselves and grow in our own personal strength, not just of the body and mind, but more importantly, of the spirit.
Throughout the world, the first generation of modern Martial Arts from Korea have been spread to so many areas, with teachers now showing fantastic examples of skills such as breaking techniques, etc.
The people of the ‘West’ have now developed themselves within the Martial Arts as to be on par with their ‘Eastern’ counterparts, and so training has become accessible to all, no matter where they live. I must emphasise that it is so important in our world today that Martial Arts should be taught in all its diverse ways.
4. One line(string) connection by Wave in the universe
I do as I can in my time, I enjoy my Martial Arts life with my family and my students and I believe that it is not only the right thing for me to teach, but my responsibility to teach, those who long for personal spiritual growth as much as I can. After me, the next generation of Martial Artists will take this teaching and develop it through their own practice and depending on their own wishes.
The most important thing in Martial Arts training, mentally and physically, is that we know ourselves, down to the tiniest particle, no matter if it is smaller than the tiniest speck of dust. We must also know the principle, which is easy to understand, that one truth that we must serve and sacrifice for others, and that we must Believe and show Respect and Love to Nature to which we are destined to be connected to.
While it is easy to understand, it is difficult to do, but if more people throughout the world could do this, with true sincerity, we could build a brighter future for our social community and the global village.
5.What will be required?
In a time of various media outlets, for example, the internet developing rapidly and infinite amounts of information being exchanged, unlike the past, it is my personal feeling that the dissemination of our training program for Martial Arts practitioners and the structure of guidance for spiritual awakening and enlightenment will be needed urgently.
Eventually a true and great teacher with a high level of intellectual and spiritual wealth and with excellent skills will be required in the Martial Arts world and they will understand the necessity of it.
Perhaps, this has been the way of it for thousands of years but, right now I speak of the current situation in Korean modern Martial Arts, from my perspective, as just one individual.
6. Responsibility of Leaders of Martial Arts
Right now, about 60 countries are training in Haedong Kumdo, with either one or two swords and I believe that the Leaders of Haedong Kumdo should know and teach a system for improving both their physical and mental strength, but also to help them mature spiritually through the Martial Arts.
They must be guided to self-cultivation and motivation and encouraged to come into real training through the dissemination of the training program through the Leader’s wisdom and efforts.
Colours Are Fragrant, But They Fade Away
In This World Of Ours, Nothing Lasts Forever
Today, Cross The High Mountains Of Life’s Illusion
And There Will Be No More Dreaming, No More Drunkenness.
[스크랩] 아일랜드 해동검도 세미나에서 해동검도 수련을 통한 정신수련 및 영적성장 (0) | 2010.10.05 |
[스크랩] 아일랜드 해동검도 세미나에서 해동검도 수련을 통한 정신수련 및 영적성장 (0) | 2010.09.29 |
[스크랩] 아일랜드 해동검도 The Feedback Of The Irish Haedong Kumdo Seminar, 2010 (0) | 2010.09.23 |
[스크랩] 아일랜드 해동검도 The Feedback Of The Irish Haedong Kumdo Seminar, 2010 (0) | 2010.09.23 |
Haedong Kumdo Ireland Russel's house (0) | 2010.09.17 |