It at the below will be translated in Korean soon--
▶ Written By : Martin O' Mally , HK Rep of Ireland
Under the teaching of GM Kim,
United World Haedong Kumdo Federation
The Feedback Of The Irish Haedong Kumdo Seminar, 2010
Subject : The Nature Of Things
Part 1 : The Nature
Part :2 Serve for others first, and make a harmony
Part 3 : The Light of The Nature Part 4 : Haedong Kumdo Training
Part 1 : The Nature
For most people, ‘The Truth Is Out There’, implying a concept of us being separate, and searching externally for some guiding light to understanding the mysteries of the universe.
In reality,
however, the truth actually is all around us, outside, inside. It doesn’t matter where we search, for we inextricably linked to all things connected to all things through our sharing of our one original source of Nature.
The Nature, a universal energy gives us power. The Nature is just one thing, God is just one thing, and Buddha is just one thing. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it is just one thing, one universal energy from which we came, and to which we will return.
Part :2 Serve for others first, and make a harmony
We are therefore not individual bodies which must work to serve ourselves, for our own gratitude or our own power. Rather, we are just one tiny part of a greater whole which makes up the universe.
It should be understood that this kind of life is a life lived for all those around us. This is why we should serve and consider others first.
In understanding this connectivity, we must understand that our role is to serve others. As we are all connected, service to others, is service to The Nature, is service to ourselves. Separation is a concept which will destroy us all. This is why I always emphasis harmony within the social community on this Planet.
When the liver, kidney, bladder, etc., are working in harmony, we find ourselves to be in good health. This is the same among the people of our world, and for our planet among all the planets of the universe. From the tiniest speck of dust to the largest planet in the universe, all things must be in Harmony.
Part 3 : The Light of The Nature
As we live our lives, in service, we must remove anger and mistrust from ourselves. We must empty ourselves of negativity, like the old saying, we must ‘empty our cup’ and it is then that we can allow the true light of the Nature to come through to us, and to shine out from us, as a light, leading the way for others.
Our cup will be ‘made full by the Nature’. We must work to eliminate bad thoughts or actions from our lives and instead help to support and to guide others, work with others for the greater good of all.
In this way, we will be able to realise and understand the truest meaning of ‘Empty & Full’ within Oriental philosophy. When we achieve this, the Light of the Nature is plain to see. We can see the energy of the Nature working in all people, all things. We can come to an understanding of all the ‘mysteries’ of the universe and therefore we can come to have harmony with the energy of the Nature.
The Nature = Light = Energy = Power = Wave (what I call, the Love Wave), but we must be sure to use this power, only for the good of others. If we abuse this power, or try to show off this power to prove our greatness, this negativity will cause it to be lost to us.
Some people will find it difficult to follow this path at first, and so it is important not to force them. Rather, we should work with them gently, and slowly guide them towards the Nature. Forcing people will only cause them to become angry and we should avoid this at all cost. Some people may never follow, but, everyone has the potential as everyone is from the same source, and so everyone is equal.
Part 4 : Haedong Kumdo Training
Haedong Kumdo training is self training, and is therefore just one method of achieving this state. Haedong Kumdo is discipline and training for both body and mind. With this balanced kind of training, we can surpass the mundane existence which we falsely believe to be true life and we can pass freely into the state of connection with all things.
Once connected, we can truly understand all things, and there is nothing left to say about anything.
No questions need to be asked or answered,
we just do.
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[스크랩] 아일랜드 해동검도 The Feedback Of The Irish Haedong Kumdo Seminar, 2010 (0) | 2010.09.23 |
Haedong Kumdo Ireland Russel's house (0) | 2010.09.17 |
[스크랩] 2010 Ireland Haedong Kumdo Seminar (0) | 2010.08.31 |
[스크랩] Irland HK Seminar Poster 아일랜드 2010 해동검도 세미나 일정 (0) | 2010.06.17 |