haedong 534

사)세계해동검도연합회(www.haedong-kumdo.org) 영국 피트로버그도장 외

How to do.. haedong kumdo SWORD PLAY: Duncan Hall, left demonstrates haedong kumdo at the Cresset. (6DL0117600) Picture: DAVID LOWNDES CO-ORDINATION and me have never been great friends. Throwing, balancing, moving different parts of my body in opposite directions at the same time – all of those activities have a distinct possibility of leaving me either lying in a heap, or injuring my..

사)세계해동검도연합회영국 Michell in Scotland at the cutting edge

Michelle at the cutting edge Michelle Grigor makes a point by picking up a gold medal in her first tournament in the Korean martial art of haedong kumdo.DKMA in Forres is only one of a handful of clubs in the UK teaching the sword handling craft. NS MORAY mum Michelle Grigor is more used to standing on the sidelines watching her husband and two sons compete in the tang soo do competition circui..

poland//사)세계해동(www.haedong-kumdo.org)폴란드 해동검도세미나

http://www.put.org.pl/Polish/images/stories/Komunikaty/kumdo.pdf Stowarzyszenie Tang Soo Do Polska www.tangsoodo.pl zaprasza na: I Otwarte Seminarium Haedong Kumdo w Polsce Puławy 15 lipca 2007 prowadzący Mistrz Aldwin H. Lee 4 dan z Holandii Seminarium jest otwarte dla przedstawicieli wszystkich styli, którzy chcą rozszerzyć swoją wiedzę ..

사)세계해동검도연합회 (www.haedong-kumdo.org)총재 무예신문 9월호 기고

무예신문 9월호 기고 http://www.mooye.net/news/NewsContent.php?seq=491&news_id=기고&sc=&keyword=&PHPSESSID=40f29b9ad02b7555889650fb9d2e2a34 통합된 모습으로 함께 뜻 이루어야 (사)세계해동검도연합회 총재 김 정 성 전통무예진흥법이 통과됨에 따라 많은 무예인들이 설레고 있다. 그러나 이와 함께 각 종목별 무예인들도 많은 ..

overseas & Domestic 2008.09.03

사)세계해동검도(www.haedong-kumdo.org)핀란드 헬싱키도장 시범동영상

핀란드 헬싱키 도장에서 2008년 8월 31일 해동검도 시범 동영상 미카 와 그의 수련생들과 함께 Dear HK Members, Finland Haedong Kumdo has put couple new videos in Youtube, recorded 31st August in HK demonstration in Helsinki. these videos are SsangSu forms performed by Finland HK students and paper cutting performed by myself. You will see that paper cutting is not e..

Korea history 2008.09.03

사)세계해동검도연합회 남아공해동검도 도장 Alchemy Haedong Kumdo Dojang

Haedong Kumdo Student Creed I must develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that could reduce my mental growth or physical health. I must develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others. I must use common sense before self-defense, and never be abusive or offensive. This is a Black Belt school! We are dedicated! We are motivated! We are on a quest to be..