오픈 유럽피언 참피온쉽에서 네덜란드 세계해동검도연합회 그로니엔도장에서 1등 2등(성인부 무기파트) 을 그것도 해동검도 빨간띠가 출전하여.....

Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu 2006. 10. 16. 09:10
Dear Sir, I am very proud to report to you that two of my students have won European Titles at the Open European Karate Championships of the IMAF. The IMAF stands for International Martial Arts Federation, a Federation which is a big one here in Europe. They had their Open European Championships in the city HOOGKERK which is not far from Groningen. Two students of mine took part in the Weapons division which was for higher ranks. They came in a group which only consist of Black Belts in Karate, Tang Soo Do, Pentjak Silat, Kempo, etc. They were the only ones with Red Belts (1st & 2nd Gup) and they took home the 1st and 2nd place, which makes one a European Champion. Their information and photo are below:
1st place in the weapon's category Men Advance:
DENNIS NORBERHUIS, 1st Gup Haedong Kumdo - European Champion
2nd place in the weapon's category Men Advance:
ADRIAAN NORBERHUIS,  2nd Gup Haedong Kumdo - Runner-up European Champion