[Black Uhuru] Whole World Is Africa.wma.cj
This movie is TV Publicity for 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship organized by UWHKF.
사)세계해동검도연합회에서 주최한
2009세계해동검도대회 홍보 영상물입니다.
KBS TV와 KBS Radio 방송에
2009년 7월 7일부터 27일까지 방영 됩니다.
An invitation
for 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship
2009 세계대회관련 아래 내용 순서
-. 행사대회요강
-. 부산시장축사
-. 이진복의원축사
-.동의대학교 시설
-.유럽해동검도연합회 부회장 격려사
행사 대회 요강
????????????? 행사명 : 2009 해동검도 세계대회(검법/격검/베기)
1. 대회일시 : 2009년 07월 25일(토요일)-7월 26일(일요일)
* 기간: 7월 24일(금요일)-7월 28일(월)
2. 대회장소 : 부산광역시 동의대학교 효민실내체육관
4. 주 관 : 사) 세계해동검도연합회 부산협회
YTN 방송국,MBC부산방송국,KBS부산방송국, KNN방송국,
6. 참가등록마감
가. 1차 마감 : 2009년 06월 20일(토요일) 도착 분까지(기일 엄수 바람)
나. 2차 마감 : 2009년 07월 01일(수요일) 도착 분까지
다. 지도자모임:2009년 07월 04일(토요일)오후02시(조추첨 및 대전표 작성)
7.참가자격:해동검도를 수련하는 협회,문파와 관계없이 국,내외 모든수련생.
8. 참가등록신청 : 본 대회 참가를 희망하는 검사와 각 단체장 또는 소속도장, 관장의 날인을 필하여 사진(3× 4㎝) 2매와 단증 사본1부, 도검 소지 허가증 사본1부를 참가등록신청서에 부착하여 접수하시기 바랍니다.
9. 대회 종목 : 검법(단체창작검법포함)/베기(대나무,종이베기)/격검(스폰지실전.약속)
10. 문의
사)세계해동검도연합회 사무국 (사무국장 : 019-552-8862)
- 주 소:부산시 사하구 감천 1동 654-10호 사루비아 빌딩
- 전 화: (051)633-1780, 팩스: (051)612-9843
※ 참가 신청은 팩스 및 우편으로 신청하시기 바랍니다.
행사개요, 대회참가신청서, 참가선수현황표(선수등록신청서) 보내드립니다.
사단법인 세계해동검도연합회
2009 해동검도세계대회 조직위원회
Congratulatory Message
For 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship,
24th-27th July 2009
축 사
by Seol,Dong Geun, Superintendent
Busan Metropolitan Office of Education
I'd like to express my gratitude to United World Haedong Kumdo Federation for the opening of the '2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship' along with Haedong Kumdo martial artists from all over the globe, in this beautiful marine city of Busan. My special thanks go to Grandmaster and President, Kim Jeong-seong of the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation for hosting this championship despite the difficulties involved. Haedong kumdo was developed from the spirit and soul of Goguryeo warriors, and created under the philosophy of love for our country, filial piety; respect for parents and the elderly, and lastly courtesy. I believe that Haedong Kumdo is the best martial arts to strengthen bodies and develop self-defense abilities. Honorable participants! I hope all the competitors exert their abilities to the fullest; abilities acquired through long periods of training and commitment to Haedong Kumdo. And I also hope that this event will be a steppingstone for establishing fellowship and understanding between participants and distinguished guests from different parts of the world. Lastly, I'd like to thank once again the domestic and international competitors for their participation inspite of the hot weather, and the staff for their dedicated efforts to organize this event. I wish all the members of Haedong Kumdo health and happiness. Thank you.
Congratulatory Message
For 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship,
24th-27th July 2009
By Jin-Bok, Lee
Member of the National Assembly
Republic of Korea Dear participants to the 2009 Haedong Kumdo World Championship, I send you my greetings. on this green summer day, amidst rising temperatures and under the brilliant hot sun, I would like to express my sincere congratulations on the opening of the World Championship in Busan, Korea, the origin of haedong kumdo. As the unique martial arts of ancient Korea, Goguryeo (AD 331), haedong kumdo was first born under the philosophy of love for our country, filial piety towards our parents and respect for the elderly by people, young and old. Those who practiced these martial arts have always taken the lead in protecting the good from the bad. By inheriting this exemplary tradition, I hope that practitioners of kumdo all over the world will further promote this spirit. I believe the strength and energy produced through the practice of haedong kumdo by kumdo trainees are the foundation and driver of world haedong kumdo. I hope all players will do their best and based on their long hours of training, exert their full potential in the Championship. It is also my hope that, today; everyone will be champions, regardless of winning or losing. In addition, I hope that the Championship will become a platform of exchange among players and distinguished guests from different parts of the world, and create opportunities to enhance martial arts standards and build new friendships. In closing, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to distinguished guests, who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be with us today, players from all over the world, Grandmaster President Kim Jeong-Seong of the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation, and related staff. I hope this summer will be a season of achieving dreams and I wish you the best, both at home and at work. Thank you. ==================================================================================
Congratulatory Message 24th-27th July 2009 by Nam-sik HUR, I sincerely welcome all the visitors and the Kumdo Family from both home and abroad to a beautiful summer city of Busan and felicitate on its dynamic launching of the first World HaedongKumdo Championship in 2009. HaedongKumdo has inherited some 5,000 years of Korean historical spirit that has been shared through a traditional martial art of Goryeo Dynasty, i.e. widely disseminated across the entire North-eastern area from Korean Peninsula to Manchuria, and this form of martial art is considered a venerable exercise with decorums that helps people to train their body and soul.
I am much encouraged by the vigorous efforts of the United World HaedongKumdoFederation for the development of HaedongKumdo, one of the major Korean traditional martial arts and especially appreciate the Federation's endless endeavor to raise its profile throughout the world.
As many of you know, citizens in this era have the greatest concern over their physical well-being and leisure activities since their upgraded standard of living in recent years. Of all things, Kumdo the traditional and ethnic Korean martial art is regarded as the most suitable sport for a human to enhance both his/her physical and mental strengths; especially for his/her health and mental stability. I strongly believe that the 2009 World HaedongKumdo Championship play an important role in expanding the infrastructure of Kumdo and its popularity among the citizens of Busan.
I wish all the participants of this Championship from Korea and overseas to do their best and bring out their excellent performances. Last but not least, I would like to extend my gratitude to you all, the staff and President Jeongseong Kim of the United World HaedongKumdo Federation for their commitment on the preparation of this inaugural event. I wish all the participants and their family great fortune and health.
Congratulations once again and thank you.
For 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship,
Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City
Organizing Committee of the 1st World HK Championship
Busan, Korea
24th July 2009
Busan 2009 1st World HK Championship
1. Date: July 24 to 27, 2009. (3nights/4days)
2. Venue: Dongeue University Indoor Gym in Busan, Korea
3. Hosted by: United World Haedong Kumdo Federation (UWHKF)
Contact person: Secretary General .
Address: United World Haedong Kumdo Federation
#654-10, Sarubia Building, Kamcheon 1 Dong,
Saha Gu,Busan ,Korea
Request : E-mail : haedongkum@gmail.com
Mr. Jung, In Jun
Visa : +82- 10 – 5574 - 0757
Mr. Creig Simpson
Imformation : +82-10-6787-4628
4. Promoted by: United World Haedong Kumdo Federation(UWHKF)
5. Categories: - All categories in UWHKF
Any other categories that volunteers to join will be welcome.
6. Participants: Any other HK associations or HK people who belongs to either UWHKF or Other HK Association without regard to any HK association.
7. Method: Competition according to categories, Demonstration of each country will be competed
Competition will be followed by the regulation of World HK Champ.
Demonstration : Group teams are encouraged to demonstrate and particularly the traditional demonstrations inherent to any regional and country are welcome.
There is no limit in its contents, and music and spotlight will be available.
Duration of a demonstration should not exceed 5 minutes.
8. Awards: Gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas will be awarded to the top 3 winners in the competitions. Trophies of the Events shall be awarded
9. Technical Officials
a) The Technical delegate of the respective IFs shall be responsible for the competition management during the Games under the support of the organizing committee
b) Every team to the Champ should bring one umpire/referee with them to the Games. Umpires should forward their valid certificates at registration.
c) The Organizing Committee will be responsible for the full accommodations of the umpires from 25th to 26th July 2009.
10. Competitors Each competitor is required to hold his/her Life Insurance Certificate.
Competitors must follow the dress code of their events. And they must bring with them their equipments for competition.
11. Financial Obligations:
a) Travelling Expenses: Participants should pay for their travels from their country to Busan
b) Accommodation & Participation Fee
All participants are kindly requested to pay for their accommodations at the registration one month before they arrive. Those who arrive in Busan earlier than July 24 and stay longer than July 28 for their convenience must pay more for their accommodations.
12. Application:
All participating teams must submit their entry forms( by Name) to the above Address
“ not later than May 31,2009.”
All participating teams must submit their Final entry (by Name). to the above Address
“ not later than June 30, 2009
Final entry forms must include the followings;
- association (address, tel, fax, E-mail),
- list of team members (full name, gender, date of birth, passport No., sport/event to be entered) and the date of arrival/flight details.
- Final entry forms must be typed in English and signed by the President and Secretary General of their Associations.
13. Registration:
All participants must register at least one month before their arrival.
- At registration, they should show their passports.
- They must pay for their full accommodations and participation fees before arrival.
- They should confirm their competition events based on their final entries.before arrival.
14. Visa:
a) One can get his/her visa in his/her Country.
b) Before arrival, all participants list should forward to 2009 World HK Champ Committee and get Visa from each country’s Embassy with an Invitation
15. Temperature:
The temperature of Busan in July is normally 24~28Centigrade with a bit humidity.
16. Sightseeing:
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