2009 World HK Championship

사)세계해동검도연합회 제1회 세계해동검도대회 안내

Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu 2009. 2. 26. 15:21







제1회 세계해동검도대회 안내  




사단법인 세계해동검도연합회가 주최하는



 제1회 세계해동검도대회를  아래와 같이 개최한다.



상세 일정 및 기타 등등은 추후 영문 국문으로



게시 예정임.



이번 세계해동검도대회는 해동검도협회와 관계없이



해동검도인이면 누구던지 참가할 수 있도록 하였으며



이번 대회를 통해서 해동검도의 세계화를 국내외로 알리며



더욱 더 발전시키는 계기가 되며,



국내의 타해동검도협회와도 교류가 되는



시점이 되어질 것으로 기대된다.




              1st  2009   World

      Haedong Kumdo Championship





24th  to  27th July , 2009

At Busan, Korea




Place : Dong- eue University Indoor Gym

Website : http://www.deu.ac.kr/01_deu/05_campus/campus.htm






Organizing Committee of the 1st World HK Championship

Busan, Korea

24th July 2009

Busan  2009 1st World HK Championship


1. Date:               July 24 to 27, 2009. (3nights/4days)

2. Venue:            Dongeue University Indoor Gym in Busan, Korea

3. Hosted by:     United World Haedong Kumdo Federation (UWHKF)

Address:   United World Haedong Kumdo Federation

#654-10, Sarubia Building, Kamcheon 1 Dong,

Saha Gu,Busan ,Korea


Website for UWHKF :    www.haedong-kumdo.org



Website for 2009 World HK Champ : http://kr.blog.yahoo.com/hkorg@ymail.co


1st World HK Champ Committee


Request  :  

E-mail : hkorg@ymail.com


Visa & Imformation

Mr. Jung, In Jun


        Mr. Creig Simpson




4. Promoted by: United World Haedong Kumdo Federation(UWHKF)

5. Categories: - All  categories in UWHKF

Any other categories that volunteers to join will be welcome.

6. Participants: Any other HK associations or HK people who belongs to either UWHKF or Other HK Association without regard to any HK association.

7. Method:   Competition according to categories, Demonstration of each country will be competed

Competition will be followed by the regulation of World HK Champ.

Demonstration : Group teams are encouraged to demonstrate and particularly the traditional demonstrations inherent to any regional and country are welcome.

There is no limit in its contents, and music and spotlight will be available.

Duration of a demonstration should not exceed 5 minutes.

8. Awards:        Gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas will be awarded to the top 3 winners in the competitions. Trophies of the Events shall be awarded

9. Technical Officials

a) The Technical delegate of the respective IFs shall be responsible for the competition management during the Games under the support of the organizing committee

b) Every team to the Champ should bring one umpire/referee with them to the Games. Umpires should forward their valid certificates at registration.

c) The Organizing Committee will be responsible for the full accommodations of the umpires from 25th to 26th July 2009.



10. Competitors  Each competitor is required to hold his/her Life Insurance Certificate.

Competitors must follow the dress code of their events. And they must bring with them their equipments for competition.


11. Financial Obligations:


a) Travelling Expenses: Participants should pay for their travels from their country to Busan

b)  Accommodation & Participation Fee


All participants are kindly requested to pay for their accommodations at the registration as soon as they arrive. Those who arrive in Busan earlier than July 24 and stay longer than July 28 for their convenience must pay more for their accommodations.



12. Application:

All participating teams must submit their entry forms( by Name) to the above Address

“ not later than May 31,2009.”

All participating teams must submit their Final entry (by Name). to the above Address

“ not later than June 30, 2009

Final entry forms must include the followings;

-        association (address, tel, fax, E-mail),

-    list of team members (full name, gender, date of birth, passport No., sport/event to be entered) and  the date of arrival/flight details.

-    Final entry forms must be typed in English and signed by the President and Secretary General of their Associations.

13. Registration:

All participants must register at least one month before their arrival.  

- At registration, they should show their passports.

- They must pay for their full accommodations and participation fees before arrival.

- They should confirm their competition events based on their final entries.before arrival


14. Visa:

a)  One can get his/her visa in his/her Country.

b)  Before arrival, all participants list should forward to 2009 World HK Champ Committee and get Visa from each country’s Embassy with an Invitation

15. Temperature:


The temperature of Busan in July is normally 2428Centigrade with a bit humidity.





further information soon again !!!