사)세계해동검도연합회 아일랜드 해동검도 대회 2008년 11월 30일
아일랜드 해동검도 협회에서
2008년 11월 30일 일요일
아일랜드 바르나캐롤에서 처음으로 해동검도 토너먼트를 개최하였다.
주관은 아일랜드 해동검도 대표로 있는 마르틴 오말래, 그리고 각 도장 관장 및 사범들의 지휘에 의해 성공리에 종료 되었다.
사진 및 비디오 클립은 보내지는대로 사이트에 게시 예정임.
Haedong Kumdo Ireland
Sunday 30th of November saw the first gathering of students from Haedong Kumdo Ireland for the first National Kumbup Championships in Barnacarroll Community Centre, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
On the day, competitors ranged between 7 years of age and 50+ and the whole event was a huge success. This first championships is the first step towards introducing Haedong Kumdo competition to Ireland in a bid to promote this ancient Martial Art to the Irish people.
On the day, Haedong Kumdo instructors and students also made a public demonstration of Haedong Kumdo with Kumbup, Creative Sparring, Cutting and Free Sparring before a crowd of almost 100 spectators, including a number of local Martial Arts instructors from all over the Connaught province.
According to Martin O’Malley, President of Haedong Kumdo Ireland, ‘the day was another milestone in the development of Haedong Kumdo in Ireland, and all the participants were delighted to be a part of this growing Martial Art in Ireland’. Martin added that ‘Haedong Kumdo is still very new here, but we hope to continue to develop our students, and our instructors program and competition is just one method we hope to continue to employ as a promotional event for Haedong Kumdo Ireland’.
It is hoped that next years championships will including paper cutting and Freestyle Sparring, and the predictions are that by 2010, all divisions within Haedong Kumdo will be run at the Championship events. Building slowly with quality people is the key phrase of Haedong Kumdo Ireland, where Martin feels that ‘of course we would like a group of 10,000 participants in Haedong Kumdo, but we must ensure that we don’t sacrifice quality by growing too fast. It is important that we, the committee of Haedong Kumdo Ireland know each practitioner personally, and that they can feel an important and valued part of the group’.
He went on to say that ‘the students of today are the instructors of tomorrow and we must ensure that we leave behind an strong organisation which is full of quality people, and that we make membership of Haedong Kumdo Ireland a quality mark for instructors and students alike’.