2006네덜란드 해동검도 대회 네덜란드 그로니엔시에서

Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu 2006. 7. 13. 18:06

President: Master Aldwin Hamilton Lee

Secretariaat: onnemaheerd 65, 9736 AP Groningen, NL

Telefoon: 050-5415824


The Dutch Haedong Kumdo Organization

proudly presents the

 Holland's 2006 International Haedong Kumdo Festival



Dear Fellow Martial Arts instructor:

I hope this email finds you looking forward to the summer vacation season. I would like to take this time to cordially invite you and your students to attend our first International Haedong Kumdo Festival. This Martial Arts event is being held on Sunday, October 29, 2006. Through this exciting event, you will meet many interesting Haedong Kumdo people and will have the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in the Korean Sword Arts, physically and mentally.
As guest of honour we will be having Grandmaster Jeong Seong Kim 9th Dan from Busan-Korea!
Further we are also honoured to have following Masters attend our Haedong Kumdo Festival in October:
- Grandmaster Eddie Jacobsen 7th Dan from South-Africa.
- Grandmaster Mark Adlington 5th Dan from the UK.
Our program will look like this:
- 10.00 - 12.00    Haedong Kumdo Championships (Forms, papercutting & candle snuffing & many more).
- 12.00 - 12.15    Photo session with Grandmaster Jeong Seong Kim.
- 12.15 - 13.00    Lunch.
- 13.00 - 15.00    Seminar open for all Martial Artists (Taekwon-do, Hapkido, Karate, Kung-fu,....etc).
- 15.00 - 17.00    Seminar for advanced students and Black Belts in Haedong Kumdo.
- 17.00 - 17.15    Small Break.
- 17.15 - 18.15    Official meeting with the representatives of the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation.
- 19.30 - 21.30    Dinner for Black Belts, HK instructors and special guests.
Officials for the Championships will be highly qualified instructors and Masters from all over the world.  Every attempt will be made to ensure that refereeing and judging will be as fair as possible.  We welcome our old and new friends to our event. Our Haedong Kumdo Festival will be held in the Sporthal Beijum in the city Groningen. First through third place will be awarded in forms, papercutting, and candle snuffing. Additionally, every competitor (regardless if they win or not) will receive a special participation award to commemorate their participation in this championship. These unprecedented opportunities for participants to enjoy good quality competition in a healthy and safe environment. Further, all persons attending our seminars will receive special participation certificates from Grandmaster Jeong Seong Kim.



Tournament Rules Established to Maximize Fairness and Sportsmanship





Master Aldwin H. Lee - 4th Dan Haedong Kumdo
Onnemaheerd 65
9736 AP Groningen, the Netherlands

Phone: (31) 50-5415824

Fax: (31) 50-5415824

Mobile: 06-20649266


Date & Location:

Saturday, October 29, 2006

Sporthal BEIJUM, Amkemaheerd 293, in Groningen, NL



Sporthal door will be open:                  08:30 am
Black Belt Meeting:                           
09:30 am ??10.00 am.

Eliminations BE on TIME PLEASE!!   10:00 am "sharp" to conclusion


Entry Fee:

- **,00 Euro for all                                         - **,00 Euro for all                     NO entries will be accepted after this date!!!



Tickets:  **,00 Euro Adults /**,00 Euro Children age 6-16 and Seniors  / Children under 6 = free



Light snacks and beverages will be available to the public. No food or drinks in the gymnasium please.





Tournament Hotels:

Information about Hotels in the city of Groningen will be forwarded soon!



Haedong Kumdo uniform / Mok Kum (wooden sword) or Ga Kum (metal sword) / newspapers / candles


For safety reasons only Black Belts will be allowed to preform with "LIFE" blades!!!