[스크랩] usa TKDM에 2005년 2월 16일에 게재된 해동검도 뉴스

Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu 2006. 5. 9. 09:45
보낸날짜 | 2006년 2월 18일 토요일, 오후 16시 19분 45초 +0900
보낸이 | "해동사범" <bmw43@hanmail.net>    무선메시지
받는이 | "Jack""" <Norberhuis@home.nl>, "kieran mackey""" <kieranmackey52@yahoo.co.uk>, "프리지아""" <freesia0@hanmail.net>, "Ali Al-Nasser" <alnasser_us@yahoo.com>, "Brenda Schurko" <bschurko@hotmail.com>, "Dr. R. Marek" <rmarek@bushidomarketing.com>, "G/ Master Eddie Jacobsen" <e.j.multicord@absamail.co.za>, "Jack Stern" <KYHA1960@aol.com>, "Jane" <janelmajendie@yahoo.co.uk>, "Jason Adanson" <pusanjay@yahoo.ca>, "Keith Stewart" <hapkido@on.aibn.com>, "M. Adlington" <tangsoodo@btinternet.com>, "Master Jan" <fltcdropswg@lossiemouth.raf.mod.uk>, "Master Todd Sexton" <Todd.Sexton@ci.norman.ok.us>, "Paul" <Paulgiffen@aol.com>, "R.v.Leeuwen" <rjvanleeuwen@home.nl>, "Rishi" <arora_tkd@yahoo.co.uk>, "Robert" <robert.bass@capgemini.com>, "Ronald Pettersn" <ninjagutt@yahoo.no>, "Serge" <info@hoshinkidohapkido.com>, "South africa" <e.j.multicord@absamail.co.za>, "Thomas영국 글래스고우" <mudokwan.tc@btinternet.com>, "Tina" <tinaad4@hotmail.com>, "kyha1960@aol.com" <kyha1960@aol.com>, "master de-vry" <nstructor@dkma.co.uk>, "master kelly" <kelly.oconnor@itpsolutions.co.uk>, "michele Bourner" <mbourner@hotmail.com>, "sktella" <worldtaekwondo@comcast.net>, "고경숙" <kobibari@hanmail.net>, "구수본관장" <ksb3454409@yahoo.co.kr>, "국제신문 이준섭" <lkad0036@korea.com>, "권철" <drama007@hanmail.net>, "김노선" <noseni1984@hanmail.net>, "김대정 인터넷방송국" <lucasdna@pibs.co.kr>
인쇄 메일다운로드



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현재 미국 캐나다 영국 네덜란드 남아공 그리스 인도 등의 각 나라에서




활발하게 해동검도 활동을 하고 있으며,


네덜란드에서 2005년도에 최초로 해외 해동검도대회를 개최하고


남아프리카공화국에서는 처음으로 해외해동검도야외캠프를 시도하면서


 남아공국영방송에 TV로 전국적으로 해동검도를  방영 하고


중국 대륙 전체에 해동검도 보급을 계획 중에 있는


해외에서 크게 활동을 하고 있는 단체로서


2007년도에는 세계해동검도대회를 국내에 유치할


예정으로 되어있다.


명실공히 글로벌시대의 막강 해동검도로서 거듭 날 것이다. 


본 기사는 인도 TKDM에 2005년 2월 16일 게재된


(사)세계해동검도연합회의  중국의 해동검도 뉴스임.

www.haedong2001.com or www.haedongssangkum.com



TKD News
Post Date : 02-16-2006 , View : 10
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Establish sisterhood relationship between the United World Haedong Kumdo and the Munmu Martial Arts School in China
From: TKDM Editor 

by Shammi / TKDM Editor in India

Munmu Martial Arts School in China, which was established by Shui Ping, the present Principal of the school,establish sisterhood relation between the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation,South Korea under Grand Master Kim Jeong Seong this This famous school is located in Taeju city of Gwangshuiseong,China and has had a succession of many excellent competitors, who have won gold medals in the National Championships.

Grand Master Kim Jeong Seong made a provisional agreement between the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation and the Munmu Martial Arts School to have a marial art exchange. This exchange will give students overseas the opportunity to train in Chinese martial arts and give students in China the opportunity to learn Haedong Kumdo. Haedong Kumdo classes will be opened at the Munmu Martial Arts School. 

The president of the United World Haedong Kumdo, Grand Master Kim Jeong Seong will visit China again to make an official written agreement, from March 20 to March 27 2006.Grand Master Kim is planning to stay there and teach Haedong Kumdo during that period

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02-16-2006 10:55 | View 10
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