2010년 9월 18일 19일 핀란드 헬싱키에서 개최될
제 1회 스칸디나비안 해동검도 대회 요강을 아래와 같이 알려드립니다.
United World Haedong Kumdo Federation
Scandinavian Open Championships 2010
Competition Rules
version 0.9
1. Introduction
2. Competition format
3. Forms - Kumbups
4. Sparring
5. Paper cutting
6. Straw mat cutting
7. Awards
1. Introduction
These rules are made primary for the first Haedong Kumdo Scandinavian Open Championships,
held on September 18th 2010 in Helsinki, Finland. The event is organized by the Finnish
Haedong Kumdo Association in co-operation with the Swedish Haedong Kumdo Association. The
purpose of the event is to promote the Korean sword tradition, unite people of kind spirit and test
and develop the competition format for the upcoming European HK Championships and other
future competition events, under the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation and its president,
Grandmaster Kim Jeong Seong.
2. Competition format
Five different competition categories are included in this competition:
1. one sword forms
2. Two swords forms
3. Sparring
4. Paper cutting
5. Straw mat cutting
Free Sparring and Forms (one sword and two swords) categories follow the Balanced Double
Elimination Tournament -format, where two players compete against each other simultaneously
and three referees judge which player wins. After two losses a player is dropped out of the
competition (of that category).
More information and charts of the tournament format are found on the webpage:
Paper and straw mat cutting categories are based on points, where players with least points are
dropped out each round.
3. Forms - Kumbups
The competitors are divided into three categories according to their belt rank: 2. - 3. dan, 1. dan
and gup (color belts).
Each player can compete in one sword forms and/or two sword forms.
Two competitors perform forms at the same time. Three referees vote the winner of the two by
judging following factors of their performance:
- Correctness of technique (including stances, cutting angles, etc.)
- Speed and power
- Balance and relaxation of movement
- Focus, kihap (shout)
On the first round of the competition certain mandatory kumbups are performed (see below). on
the following round both competing players pick one kumbup of their choosing and they perform
both of the chosen forms. Certain kumbups are available to be chosen according to belt rank:
First round forms (referees choose if two options are given)
- Color belts category one sword: Ssang Su kumbup # 2 or # 4
- Color belts category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 2 or # 3
- 1. dan category one sword: Simsang kumbup
- 1. dan category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 4 or # 5
- 2. - 3. dan category one sword: Yedo kumbup # 9
- 2. - 3. dan category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 6 or # 7
Second and later rounds (players choose two, one each)
- Color belts category one sword: Ssang Su kumbup # 2 - 9
- Color belts category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 2 - 8
- 1. dan category one sword: Yedo kumbup # 2 - 7
- 1. dan category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 2 - 8
- 2. - 3. dan category one sword: Bonkuk kumbup # 1 - 4
- 2. - 3. dan category two swords: Ssang Kum kumbup # 4 - 11
If one of the players cannot perform the other player's chosen form, then the other player must
choose another form.
4. Sparring
A player participating sparring must be familiar with all the rules stated here for safety.
Player must wear a helmet provided by the organizers during sparring.
Only padded swords provided by the organizers may be used during sparring.
Points and winning
The entire body is considered proper hitting target area, except hands from fingers to wrists and
feet from ankles to toes. Also the groin area and eyes are forbidden for hitting.
A player may only touch the other competitor with the padded part of the sword.
To score a point, the hit must be clear and made on the upper half of the sword. Light hits are
considered “just a flesh wound” and given no points.
Every accepted hit is worth 1 point.
Hit to the helmet gives one extra point, totaling 2 points.
Simultaneous or nearly simultaneous hits (retaliation withing half a second) provides no points for
either players.
After any hit occurs, the referee will separate the players.
The round lasts for 1 minute
After 60 seconds the referee ends the match by saying “kuman” and the players must
stop and return behind their starting lines.The player with the most points is the winner.
If after the one minute both payers have same amount of points, the match will resume until the
other player gains the winning point. I.e. “sudden death”.
Warnings and point reductions
Stepping outside the competition area results in a warning.
A competitor can get a warning from using a forbidden technique, swearing or other kinds of
misbehavior. Every warning counts as half a minus point. only full points are reduced from the
final score.
Three full minus points result in disqualification, i.e. instant loss.
A serious offense results in a full point being reduced from the score or instant disqualification. A
competitor may also be disqualified for being late from the start of the match for more than two (2)
Competition area
The competition area is 8 m * 8 m wide and its borders are marked by tape.
The starting lines for the competitors are located in the middle of the area, 3 meters apart.
The competitor must face the opponent and start from behind his starting line after the referee
announces the competition as begun by saying ‘sizak’.
Referee panel
There are three referees for every competition: one field referee and two corner referees. The
referees are the highest authority on scoring the match and their judgments are final and shall not
be questioned on the spot. If a competitor or his team feel that a referee erred monumentally in
his judgement of the match, they can lodge a complaint with the main referee of the tournament
after the match but no later than 15 minutes after the misjudged competition. The complaint must
be delivered in written form and signed by the competitor and one other team member, if present.
A complaint fee of 20 EUR shall be paid immediately and will be returned, it the main referee
decides to rule in favor of the complaining party.
5. Paper cutting
The paper cutting category is for color belts only.
Each player will cut a newspaper page horizontally with a wooden sword provided by the
organizing team.
The competition consists of three rounds in which points are given. Each round the player or
players who gain the lowest amount of points drop out of the competition. The player who gets
most points on the third round is the winner. If no single player has the highest amount of points
after the third round, then the players who share the highest points will continue cutting until one
player wins.
A player gets 0 - 2 points from each cut, depending on the accuracy and horizontal straightness
of the cut. The papers are marked with target areas.
2 points are given if the whole cut is inside the correct target area and the paper is fully cut.
1 point is given if the cut either enters or exits the correct target area and the paper is fully cut.
0 points are given otherwise.
The number of cuts performed increases each round and the width of target areas diminishes:
1. round: 2 cuts, 10 cm
2. round: 3 cuts, 8 cm
3+ round: 4 cuts, 6 cm
The player may choose from which side she starts the first cut, left or right. Each following cut
must be made from the opposite direction than the previous one.
6. Straw mat cutting (unfinished, sorry)
Straw mat cutting category is for dan grade participants only.
The competitors are divided into two categories according to their belt rank: 2. - 3. dan and 1.
The 1.dan group will only use single rolls of straw mats (tatami omote) as cutting targets, while
double straw mat rolls will be used for the higher dan finals.
Each player will perform a series of cuts on one target per round and two targets on the final
round. A sequence of cuts may be started from the left or right. A player may not touch the target
or stand, even for adjusting the target or righting a stand that has been knocked over. Referees
will penalize a player for missing the target, for not cutting all the way through a target, knocking
the target off the stand, knocking over the stand, hitting the peg in the top of the stand, bad
cutting angles, having a cut pass through a previous cut, having a cut pass through the top of the
target, and shaving off too thin a piece of the target.
First round of competition consists of accuracy cutting for points. The target mat is divided by
tape into eight target areas of following heights: 15cm, 15cm, 10cm, 10cm, 7cm, 7cm, 3cm, 3cm.
Points for clear cuts through correct target areas give points accordingly: 1p, 1p, 2p, 2p, 3p, 3p,
5p, 5p. So the maximum amount of points for the first round is 22p. After each cut the competitor
must pause briefly to let referees judge whether the cut was correct or not. Cutting the wrong
area provides no points and the player must continue on the next uncut area, losing the chance to
get points from the upper areas. Players who get less than 4 points on the first round are dropped
out of the competition.
Second round consists of cutting 2 or 3 continuous cuts on the upper part of the target and then
2 or 3 cuts on the lower part of the target for points. Same cut must not be repeated immediately.
The second series of cuts must differ from the first one. Cuts provide points accordingly:
Downward cut 1 point
Upward cut 2 points
Horizontal cut 3 points
So a cutting sequence of a downward, an upward and a horizontal cut would give 1+2+3 = 6
Maximum amount of points for the second round is (for example 3+3+2 + 2+3+3) = 16 points.
The two competitors with the most points combined from first and second rounds proceed to the
final round(s). The player with third most points will be awarded the third place. In case of equal
points, the players in question will repeat the second round until third place is won.
Final round(s) are free cutting on two targets, where two players compete against each other and
referees judge who wins, based on the level of difficulty and skill of the cuts.
7. Awards
The three best competitors from each category are awarded by gold, silver and bronze medals. In
addition to this, the referees will choose one player as the best competitor of the Championships
[스크랩] 해외 해동검도 및 핀란드 해동검도 협회 각 도장별 현황 (0) | 2010.10.05 |
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