행사내용 : 해동검도 세미나,입승단심사, 유럽연합회 총회, 사범특별수련 등
5월 14일
베라스테스 도장에서 쌍격검 1번-2번 및 쌍검 던져베기 등 수련
5월 15일
각 국별 시범이 있었으며 이어서 입승단 심사를 하였다.
그리이스 팀 시범 동영상
심사 동영상
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/25 - 단체 사진 촬영 http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEa/400 - 세미나 하루 전 저녁 파티
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/23 -입승단 심사 http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/24 - 각 그룹별 수련 모습 http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/26 -베기 수련 모습
On 15th May
First day, Many participants from Greece, Denmark, Finland,Sweden,UK etc have come and trained during 2 days. We had Black Belt Test for 1 to 4 Dan and practiced Ssangsu Kumbups, Ssangkumbups, Yedo Kumbups, Bonkuk kumbups etc. Just before our commencement, Greek , Finish, Swedish team have shown HK demo such as Sparring , Ssangkumbups etc...
After HK events, we had General Meeting of EU Haedong Kumdo Union after the declaration of the opening of a meeting by Gen. Sec. Seva. We made a proposal dicision for Scandinabian HK Champ in Finland and 2011 EU Haedong Kumdo Champ & 2011 EU HK Instructor Seminar in Greece.
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/25 - HK seminar group photo
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEa/400 - Taking a party one day before Swedish Haedong Kumdo Seminar
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/23 -Swedish Haedong Kumdo Black Belt Test later 2010.5.15
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/24 - Sweden Haedong Kumdo Training according to group
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/26 -Sweden Haedong Kumdo Training cutting etc.
On 16th May
Second day,
Ssangkum Sparring, Ssangkumbups, Cuttings etc. After closing, we had a great farewell party.
on 17th May
http://cafe.daum.net/uwhkf/DvEb/27 - Pierre house party
on 18th May
as a gift for wedding of Jose& Madi for taking "Love Waves" from Unique Painting
Kim,Young Mi from Denmark
Main actors who made a great efforts for 2010 EU HK Seminar
Pierre, Haedong Kumdo Rep of Swedish HK Association & Vice President of EU HK Union
Seva, Gec,Sec of EU HK Union
Cheyenne, Great job for registeration etc.
Pierre wife who supported and helped a lot for succcessful HK Seminar
Marcus, a great job with Cheyenne for EU HK Seminar & Farewell party and so on... |