프랑스 해동검도 연합회에서
프랑스 남부에 있는 몽프리에 시티에서 처음으로 해동검도 시범을 야외에서 보였다.
프랑스 해동검도 협회 대표인 다이엘 포취에 의해 많은 종류의 해동검도 시범을 보여
많은 타무술사범들과 일반인들에게
호평을 받았다. 본 행사 이후 해동검도 수련생 30명이상이 늘어다고 한다.
내년도 3월에 개최될 프랑스 제1회 해동검도 세미나에 많은 수련생들이 몰려 올것으로 예상된다.
Franch Haedong Kumdo Association
Haedong Kumdo Presentation in Montpellier,France
September in the year of 2009.
presented by Instructor Daniel .
He has shown many kinds of parts in Haedong Kumdo such as Kumbups, Sparring, Ssangkumbups, Cuttings and so on.
He has got 36 HK students as soon as he open HK class and start to train HK right after his HK Demo.
Many years have passed since he started to train Haedong Kumdo as well as he also made a great efforts to learn verious skills in Haedong Kumdo during his about one month stay in Korea. He have learned many kinds of skills at many Korean Dojangs located in Seoul,Busan, Kangwondo,Jeonju etc. under UWHKF all over the country much more than before at that time. He must be get a very important opportunity to have HK experiences with many kinds of HK Masters & Instructors etc,
A big Haedong Kumdo Seminar in Montpellier, France will be held around March of 2010 which will be organized by French HK Association.
Hope many people will participate at that HK seminar and train together, enjoy all together.....
Many HK activities in France will be shown soon and be spreaded all over the country with a very rapidity by the support of EU HK Union and United World Haedong Kumdo Federation as well.
France Haedong Kumdo Photos 프랑스해동검도활동사진들 2009년 12월 (0) | 2009.12.15 |
France Haedong Kumdo Introduction of Magazine 프랑스 해동검도 소개 (0) | 2009.10.01 |
French Haedong Kumdo Cutting by Daniel 프랑스해동검도연합회 베기 모습 (0) | 2009.10.01 |
France HK 프랑스해동검도협회 다니엘 사진 (0) | 2009.09.01 |
세계해동검도 프랑스 협회 다니엘 사진French HK Ass. Instructor Dineil (0) | 2009.07.06 |