On 6th June
At the YMCA Hall at Kandy City in Sri Lanka,
Haedong Kumdo, Korean Swords art, have firstly launched at Kandy city in Sri Lanka today thanks to Iqubal master who has many experience in the martial arts
during more than 30 years.
There was Haedong Kumdo Seminar for Black Belts of Karade and kickboxing etc
who will be based and be learned for spreading and developing HK
at the Sri Lanka Haedong Kumdo Association.
They have shown their passion and efforts as much as they can during HK training under Chong Jae nim grand master Kim, Jeong Seong , president of United World Haedong Kumdo Federation.
Tomorrow many students from Karade and kickboxing and the other martial arts will be here and start to train again.
파이 서비스가 종료되어
더이상 콘텐츠를 노출 할 수 없습니다.
Sri Lanka HK Seminar video clip.스리랑카해동검도세미나종료후모습들 (0) | 2009.06.09 |
Sri Lanka HK Seminar Activities 해동검도 스리랑카 세미나 사진모습 (0) | 2009.06.08 |
1st Sri Lanka Haedong Kumdo Seminar 해동검도세미나 스리랑카 콜롬보 개 (0) | 2009.05.28 |
사)세계해동검도연합회 해동검도 국제세미나 참가 스리랑카해동검도팀 (0) | 2008.04.05 |
세계해동검도연합회 해동검도 국제세미나에 참석할 스리랑카 해동검도 팀 (0) | 2008.04.05 |