사단법인 세계해동검도연합회의 프에트리코 해동검도 협회 미겔 관장은 아래와 같이 해동검도 행사를 개최하며
2009세계해동검도대회에 참석키위해 고군분투 중이다.
금년 7월 24일부터 27일까지 부산동의대학교 효민실내체육관에서 개최될
세계대회에서 많은 기대를 해 본다.
Saludos/ Greetings, The response for the Battle of the Yudanjas II event has been overwhelming. Thank you all for your interest, I truly hope to see you all at the Battle. Just to reinstate for the record,The event will be held in the town of San German, Cancha de la Urb. Santa Marta, directly in front of El Arquelio Torres Colosseum. The cost of the event is $25.00 one or all events, $1.00 general entrance fee, (remember this is a fund raising event for the Puerto Rico Haedong Kumdo Team). I thank you all in advance for your support and full cooperation.
Categories are as fallows: Forms*Extreme Forms *Weapons* Extreme Weapons*
Power Breaking* Creative Breaking*
Point fighting(running time, 5 points 3 minutes or most points 3 minutes wins, each score is worth one point)*
Grappling with Gi* and for the first time in P.R.,Tatami cutting.
Feel free to contact me(787-673-2571) for further info or for any doubts at all.
See you at the Battle. only The Best Play Here"
Pureto Rico Haedong Kumdo Paper Cutting at the 1th HK Seminar (0) | 2009.10.06 |
프에트리코해동검도행사사진 (0) | 2009.03.05 |
사)세계해동검도연합회 프에트리코 Ex.Director Miguel 사진 소개 (0) | 2008.10.13 |
사)세계해동검도연합회 프에트리코 협회 Director Anayasin of PR Ass.사진 (0) | 2008.10.13 |
사)세계해동검도프에트리코협회 해동검도 토너먼트 우수상 수상2008.10.12 (0) | 2008.10.13 |