World Kostrov's Universal Fisticuffs Organization 와 United World Haedong Kumdo Federation (사)세계해동검도연합회와 연맹체제를 맺고 상호 정보 교환 및 상호 행사 참여 등 무술 발전을 위해 힘쓰기로 하였다.
사단법인 세계해동검도연합회 총재 김정성은 WKUFO 협회의 한국대표로 하기로 하였으며, 금년 7월 세계해동검도대회에 WKUFO 임원 파견 예정.
Argentina |
Grandmaster Kim Jeong Seong The Representative of WKUFO in Korea
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
9th Dan Haedong Kumdo
| |
Grandmaster Albert Best The Representative of WKUFO in Barbados
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Chameleon Combat Karate |
Grandmaster Eric Van Vaerenbergh The Representative of WKUFO in Belgium
7th Baysa/Dan KUF
6th Dan Kyokushin Budokai 3rd Dan Full Contact Karate & Savate 2nd Dan Budokai-do 1st Dan Shotokan Karate Do |
Grandmaster Carlos Silva The Representative of WKUFO in Brazil
9th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Kickboxing 10 th Dan Okinawa's Shorei Ryu Karate Do 5th Dan Okinawa's Kobudo 5th Dan Okinawa's Shorin Ryu Karate do 1st Dan Taekwondo WTF |
Master Akeola Lukumanu Ayinde The Representative of WKUFO in Burkina Faso
3rd Baysa/Dan KUF
3rd Dan Taekwondo
Grandmaster Richard Buchan The Representative of WKUFO in Canada
9th Baysa/Dan KUF
9th Dan Kosho Ryu Kempo
Misha Kostrov, Black Belt The Administrative Representative of WKUFO in Canada
1st Stepen/Kyu KUF
3rd Kyu Shotokan Karate Do
Grandmaster Kakhaber Markozashvili The Representative of WKUFO in Georgia
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
7th Dan Dong-Dip Karate 5th Dan Neko-Ryu Go-Karate |
Grandmaster Frank M. Schneidetr The Representative of WKUFO in Germany
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Street Combat Karate 10th Dan Kempo Karate/Ju Jitsu
Grandmaster David J. Kacperski The Representative of WKUFO in Great Britain
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Kasakaidoryu 10th Dan Karate Kobudo
Grandmaster Lionel Bricnet The Representative of WKUFO in France
7th Baysa/Dan KUF
6th Dan Kyokushin Budokai 6th Dan Ten-ryu Kai Kan Karate 6th Dan Seikai Karate Do Rengo Dentai 5th Dan Shidokan Karate 4th Dan Yawara Ju-Jitsu |
Master Sunil Kumar The Representstive of WKUFO in India (Punjab State)
4th Baysa/Dan KUF
4th Dan Wado Ryu Karate Do
Master Gajanand Rajput The Representative of WKUFO in India (Gujarat State)
2nd Baysa/Dan KUF
Dr. Shaolin Kung Fu
Master Syed Mahmood Mohiuddin The Representative of WKUFO in India (Andhra Pradesh State)
3rd Baysa/Dan KUF
2nd Dan Goju Ryu Karate Do
Master Ahmadi Amir The Representative of WKUFO in Iran
4th Bais/Dan KUF
4th Black Sush Shaolin
Ireland |
Master Viktor Volyanski The Representative of WKUFO in Israel
3rd Baysa/Dan KUF
Grandmaster Gilberto Pauciullo The Representative of WKUFO in Italy
9th Baysa/Dan KUF
11th Dan Man Seer Kung Pai 11th Dan Katory Yama Ryu 10th Dan Okinawa Go Ju Ryu 9th Dan Kyoshunkikay
Kenya |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Grandmaster Kim Jeong Seong The Representative of WKUFO in Korea
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
9th Dan Haedong Kumdo
Mexico |
Grandmaster Mohammed Sellem The Representative of WKUFO in Morocco
7th Baysa/Dan KUF
5th Dan Kempo
Netherlands |
Master Umoru Klifford Edum The Representative of WKUFO in Nigeria
1st Baysa/Dan KUF
Master Morten de Lange The Representative of WKUFO in Norway
4th Baysa/Dan KUF
3rd Dan KoGakuShin 3rd Dan Close Quarter Combat 1st Dan Kyokushinkai Karate
Master Zulfi Zulfiqar The Representative of WKUFO in Pakistan
5th Baysa/Dan KUF
8th Koru Muay Thai 4th Dan Bushiban Karate Shi Dai Poo Shaolin Kung Fu
Panama |
Peru |
Master Pedro Porem The Representative of WKUFO in Portugal
4th Baysa/Dan KUF
4th Dan Kosho-ryu Kenpo
Russia |
Grandmaster Boris Krivokapic The Representative of WKUFO in Serbia
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
8th Dan Hapkikwan 6th Dan Taekwondo
Spain |
Master Toun Hasim The Representative of WKUFO in Sri Lanka
4th Baysa/Dan KUF
4th Dan Shotokan Karate
Marina Kostrova, Black Belt The Administrative Representative of WKUFO in Switzerland
1st Stepen/Kyu |
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Grandmaster Sefik Gulten The Representative of WKUFO in Turkey
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Wakazamurai Soke |
Master Sergii Izotov The Representative of WKUFO in Ukraine
1st Baysa/Dan KUF
1st Dan Judo |
Great Grandmaster Jack Stern The Representative of WKUFO in USA (Florida State)
10th Baysa/Dan KUF
Grandmaster Maurice Elmalem The Representative of WKUFO in USA (New York State)
9th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan WPMAO 7th Dan Taekwondo WTF
Grandmaster Carlos Silva The Representative of WKUFO in USA (Utah State)
9th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Kickboxing 10th Dan Okinawa's Shorei Ryu Karate Do 5th Dan Okinawa's Kobudo 5th Dan Okinawa's Shorin Ryu Karate Do
Grandmaster John M. Crudup The Representative of WKUFO in USA (New Jersey State)
8th Baysa/Dan KUF
10th Dan Song Do Kwan Kong Soo Do |