Martial Arts Olympic Committee
Organization과 사단법인 세계해동검도연합회와의 지구촌의 무술 발전을 위하여 서로
연맹체제를 맺어
상호 교류 하기로 하였으며, 이번 7월 해동검도 세계대회에 이태리에서 무술올림픽조직위원회 임원들이 방한 예정으로 되어있다.
Hi Dear Sir Master Kim
I am Grandmaster A.Sh.Farahani Founder of Martial Arts Olympic Committee
Organization /
And I am receiving your Welcome Message and I am thanks
for this Grand Honor and this Invitation .
We also are happy from this cooperation of course
Dear Sir :
President of MAO are Grandmaster 11 Th Dan Prof.Dr.Gilberto
Paciullo and Grandmaster Soke Di Garbo also are Vice-President and
National Office Center is in TORIN - ITALY .
To Best Regards To You And All people Korea
National Department Office Center
martial Arts National United
World JFC Federation
Martial Arts Olympic Committee Organization
Grandmaster 10 Th Dan
Abdolreza Shahrabi farahani
Greece HK PHOTOS 그리이스해동검도협회 해동검도행사 사진모습들 2008년 11 (0) | 2009.04.05 |
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