사단법인 세계해동검도연합회의 아일랜드 해동검도 협회에서
아일랜드 두번째 해동검도 지도자 세미나를
2008년 12월 14일 일요일 개최 하였다.
상세 내용설명은 아래와 같다.
Haedong Kumdo Instructors Day, Ireland
Sunday 14th of December 2008 saw the second Instructors Introductory Seminar for Haedong Kumdo Ireland.
Held in Manulla Community Centre, the day featured an introduction to the basics of Haedong Kumdo, basic drawing and re-sheathing, and the basic cuts and stances before moving on to Kumbup training, where each of the participants learned Ssang Su Kumbup number one.
After a short break, it was time for some partner work, where the participants learned to attack with, and defend against the basic cuts, and how to use the stances to position themselves with advantage over their opponent. Everyone enjoyed the interaction, and where delighted to see how the techniques worked together in a simple and practical manner.
Following this, it was time to introduce the Freestyle Sparing side of Haedong Kumdo, where the rules were explained to the participants, and with the use of foam weapons, people were very quickly able to proceed to free sparring with Martin O’Malley, President of Haedong Kumdo Ireland overseeing the refereeing side of things before asking Harry Thompson and Stephen Kelly, instructors within Haedong Kumdo Ireland to step in to gain some experience in refereeing and judging matches.
These seminars give participants an opportunity to gain a brief overview of Haedong Kumdo, and to experience some of its methods of practice and learning. Haedong Kumdo Ireland hopes to organise several more of these one day events before proceeding to a formal instructors course. As Martin O’Malley explained, these events are ‘an opportunity for instructors to learn a little about Haedong Kumdo, and to meet with the instructors in Ireland, without any obligation or expectations. They can feel free to experience Haedong Kumdo, and then make an informed decision as to whether they wish to join with us in the promotion and development of this fascinating art in Ireland’.
The next events for Haedong Kumdo Ireland, in early 2009 will see Keup grading examinations for the membership as well as preparation of candidates for the European Seminar & Black Belt Testing in Finland next May. There will also be selection events for a team from Ireland to travel to Korea for the United World Haedong Kumdo Federation World Championships in Busan in July.
When we spoke to Martin about these he told us that ‘Haedong Kumdo is really just beginning in Ireland, and so we don’t expect to have large teams travelling just yet.
However, we understand that in Haedong Kumdo, it is the quality of the individuals rather than the quantity of the individuals which matters most, and with the continued help and support of Grandmaster Kim, Jeong Seong, and all our friends in the U.W.H.K.F. family, we can bring Irish Haedong Kumdo to the forefront of World Haedong Kumdo training and competition’.
[스크랩] Irland HK Seminar Poster 아일랜드 2010 해동검도 세미나 일정 (0) | 2010.06.17 |
Ireland haedong kumdo 아일랜드 해동검도 행사 총재 상장수여 및 폐회 (0) | 2010.03.24 |
사)세계해동검도연합회 아일랜드 해동검도 대회 2008년 11월 30일 (0) | 2008.12.18 |
Ireland// 사)세계해동검도연합회(www.haedong-kumdo.org)5살 수련생 편지. (0) | 2008.08.26 |
Ireland//사)세계해동검도연합회 유럽해동검도세미나 후기 및 비디오크립 (0) | 2008.08.11 |