General Events

사)세계해동검도연합회 해외교류및활동현황 사진들

Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu 2008. 10. 5. 11:20


2008년 11월 25일 23시 그리이스 아테네 국제 공항 도착.

익일 그리이스 해동검도 협회의 대표인 크리스토포르스와 Gen.Sec. 크리스토와 유단자 파나치오티스와 함께 오전 11시경 아테네를 출발하여 약 4시간 거리에 있는

Pyrgos 시의 피그로 도장에 도착.

On 25th 23:00 pm, arrival of Athense Airport in Greece.

Next day,

with HK Rep of Greek HK Association, Chris and Gen.Sec. Christo and Panagiotis, 2nd Dan of HK headed to Pygros City. Long jounney again is always making me get the another peculiar energy wherever I go.

At last, about 4 hours driving by car made us get down at Pygros Dojang managing by Instructor Theodolos.

Right after taking a bit rest with a cup of coffee, Special HK Kup Test for people who will open HK clubs in near future soon have been proceeded with a bit tension as 1st HK Kup Test in the City of Pygros.

Their name is Maria,Christo, Biyoula, Ashanatiosious.

As soon as the Kup Test is ended, we had to move to the Stadium of Pygros City with instructors and persons who had Kup Test in order to have a big 1st HK seminar at the city of Pygros in Greece.

간단하게 승급심사를 마친 후 피그로 시의 대표인 데오도로스 관장과 그의 사범 그리고 유단자들과 차기 도장을 오픈할 예정으로 특별심사를 거친 비율로, 크리스토폴리스,마리아,아나타나샤스,존 등 모두 피그로시 실내체육관으로 이동.

About more than 100 participants who is now training Taekwondo, some of them was Instructors in Taekwondo and their parents with other Spectacles with TV program staffs and even a vice Major of Pygros City was siting and waiting for our group. They gave us a warm welcome and showed a very special hospitality.

피그로시 부시장이 반갑게 맞이 해 주었고, 피그로 방송에서도 인터뷰 대기 상태였고, 약 일 백명 정도의 태권도 수련생들과 사범들, 그리고 많은 학부모님들이 관중석에 대기하고 있었다. 일반 해동검도 세미나라고 하기에는 규모가 조금 컸었고, 피그로 시에 있는 많은 한국무술 수련들의 해동검도 관심에 사뭇 놀랐다. 특히 성인여성들의 해동검도 관심으로 아주 반가웠다. 차기 해동검도가 그리이스에서 더욱 더 뿌리 내리는데 상당한 기반이 될 것으로 여겨진다.

Much more Participants who has a very interest in Haedong Kumdo Training, than we expected just before our arrival, was a bit surprised at us as well as got nervous with some tension with a big responsibility for future HK in Hellas, anyway.


we expect such kind of situations happened by many participants made by the great efforts of Hellelic instructors under HK Rep, Chris will definitely make Hellas HK be strong and be based on Greek future HK deeply with rapidity for sure. especially, the passion and interest of women of them to the Haedong Kumdo there made us so happy and looked so nicely.

On 27th Nov. 2008

After the HK event of Pyros City around 11 pm, we had to get back to Athens city. We could almost nearly arrived at Hotel around 4:00 am by car next early morning.

After sleeping and taking a rest. we took a Keup Test for Instructor Antrea's students at Kypseli Dojang.

Just before they have Keup Test, they showed HK Demo such as Keukkum, group kumbeups, drawing & sheathing methods etc..... After that, take some photos and departed.

On 28th Nov. 2008

We went to the Saja Dojang of Instructor KOROKIDA DIMITRA at Halandri as soon as we finished to have a Test for color belt and to check the Demo for 2008 Hellas Haedong Kumdo Tournaments tomorrow.

We also took a Keup Test and checked how they prepared for tomorrow's touraments. Came back after Test and some photos together.

They made also a promise that they will come and participate in the 2009 World Haedong Kumdo Championship on 24th July.

She had many HK students and showed her efforts and passion to the HK and we expected at that time many students from Halandri Dojang will come and visit to Korea for attending at the remarkable HK events at Busan in Korea.

On 29th Nov. 2008

We today took Black Belt Test for Cho Dan, 2nd & 3rd Dan at Rentis Dojang of Instructor Christodoulou Christoforos.

After come back and taking some rest, we all went to the Hellas Night Club to have a good time and make our friendships & bond strong...We all did let our head down & showed some on the table all over the

On 30th Nov. 2008

Our driving of about 3 hours made us arrive at Livadia City.

HK Tournaments and HK Seminars took place at Livadia Stadium.

We had HK seminar for black belts from 9 to 11:00 am and for color belts

from 11:00 am to 12:00. Kumbups with one up to Bonkuk & Yedo and two swords forms, Sparring etc... have been done and Color belts have learned Cutting throw projector, Kumbups with one and two swords, free style sparring etc...

From 1:00 pm up to 4:00 pm,

We had HK touraments such as Paper Cutting, Kumbups and so on.

Many participants had a great enjoy with 1st, 2nd & 3rd medal and awards as well as they have shown many kinds of HK Demo just before its commencement.

After that, we moved to Livida 3 Dojangs of Instructor MPIAKIS NIKOLAOS

and Instructor MPIAKIS STAMATIS.

We had a super with all together and departed with making a promise to meet in Finland and at Busan in Korea again in order to participate in 2009 World HK Championship on 24th July 209.

On 1st Dec. 2008

Today was a day of sightseeing in Greece.

We had a good time at Acropolice with having a lunch.

Many photos in Greek HK events will be shown at the Hellas HK Blog 




Next HK Activities will be continued in South Africa and other African countries such as Mojambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Keyna etc and Germany and Italy around January of 2009, Iran and India around December this year etc...soon before Finish European HK Instructors Seminar which is one of very important HK event in EU.


United World Haedong Kumdo Federation will be continue to show its activities and to grow throughout the world with much passions and great efforts has been showing and making by each national instructors with their students.